Fund Raising Events
Shopper’s Cafe
Sunday, April 1st | 1:00 - 9:00 pm
731 Moody St, Waltham, MA 02453
Matt Peterson’s road to the marathon…
When asked to talk about why I am running the 2023 Boston Marathon, three things came to mind – goals, inspiration, and loyalty. I am running to support The Tillerman Foundation which is something that is near and dear to my heart. My very close friend lost his brother, Bobby Felt, a Waltham Firefighter back in 2004. To keep his memory alive, he started a nonprofit organization to help support first responders like Bobby.
I have always tried to set myself up to achieve as much as I can. Throughout my life I have reached many of my goals but I have also fallen short on some, which has helped with my personal growth. One goal always on my bucket list is to run the Boston Marathon. I would be lying if I didn’t put it on the bottom of my bucket list as something that seemed unattainable, but nevertheless has always been something I have wanted to complete. In the beginning of 2022, I unfortunately was the recipient of rotator cuff surgery and was immobile for months. The one thing that I was able to do early on in rehabilitation was running. After a while, running was something that really helped me mentally and after putting some miles behind me, my marathon goal felt achievable. With the help of friends who have run marathons and my continuous training this goal is now something I know I can accomplish.
Achieving goals is an important part of life and inspiration is often the driving motivation to accomplish such goals. Last year I attended the Boston Marathon for the first time and was able to watch some of my close friends run. To watch them knowing the challenges they have faced, while still accomplishing this difficult task, sparked something inside of me to do the same. The other thing that has inspired me is that this year is the 10th anniversary of the tragic 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. That day changed many people’s lives both mentally and physically. I have seen families endure pain like no other, and still be able to accomplish things they were told they would never be able to do. I have watched amputees’ complete multiple marathons and other demanding tasks that most people would not even attempt. I have witnessed families, who lost loved ones, make a difference in the world by giving their time to others. This has inspired me to not just run for self-achievement, but to run for all that suffered on that tragic day.
When I think of Bobby Felt I think of loyalty. Bobby loved being a Waltham firefighter and enjoyed hanging out with his brothers at the Moody Street Station. Bobby was not only loyal to his fellow firefighters but also to his family. I know that losing Bobby was heartbreaking for the Felt family, and I want to continue to provide the loyalty that Bobby had by being there for our first responders and the Felt family. First responders are critical to our safety by putting their lives on the line every time they punch into work. As a community it is our obligation to do what we can to help them in their time of need. That is what The Tillerman Foundation is all about. My loyalty is also to the Felt family to do what I can to help keep the great memory of Bobby alive. If that means running 26.2 miles to do that the I AM ALL IN!!! Mark and the Felt family have been there for me in a such a supportive way and this is my way of saying thank you!
I hope this makes you think about those goals that you have set out to do and haven’t. I hope that it inspires you the way that people have inspired me to accomplish things that sometimes seem out of reach. Lastly stay loyal to one another, and remember, all we have is each other!